Help & FAQs
If you need help with the app, please email or start a chat and one of our team will respond as quickly as possible during regular business hours.
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Frequently Asked Questions
How do I edit my profile?
Press your avatar (located to the bottom right) icon to open the menu. Now select My Profile. A new window will open with all your profile settings where you can modify these details.
How do I edit my password, mobile number, or email address?
Press your avatar (located to the bottom right) icon to open the menu. Now select Settings. A new window will open with all your account settings.
Is this application free?
Absolutely! We have no plans at this time to charge members.
Can i chat with someone?
Sure, click here to start a chat. You can always leave a message if we’re not available.
There’s something wrong with the app…
First, try reloading the page. If you still have problems, please chat with us.